Friday, November 5, 2010


'A NEW MODEL OF THE UNIVERSE',a book subtitled,'Principles of the Psychological Method in its applications to problems of science, religion, and art' by P.D. OUSPENSKY, originally published in 1931 and translated from the Russian, has often been called ' A New MUDDLE of the Universe' by some and for those presented with the difficulty of UNDERSTANDING this work and the EFFORT required both in readingit and understanding it, it seems to insure a very limited circulation of the ideas,concepts, and system it attempts to discuss and explain. Although I knew of the existence of this book from a college classmate with whom I discussed the work that I came across in the university library, THE FOURTH WAY by Ouspensky, I made no attempt to look for it, let alone read it until many years later when I acquired a copy in paperback and since then have purchased a few such copies and given one or two to friends....retaining the one I use for my own personal reasons........ Ouspenksy's earlier work, TERTIUM ORGANUM, a Key to the Enigmas of the World,published in 1922 or so,suggests a 'new way of thinking' as differing from that of ARISTOTLE(ORGANON) and BACON(NOVUM ORGANUM), both of which influenced science and thinking for centuries and also influenced some political, economic, philosophical and religious areas far more than we realize and which are still somewhat in effect today.....the influences of ARISTOTLE and BACON are still substantial while those of OUSPENSKY have yet to be understood let along accepted or practiced,save for some small groups, scattered about in various ways... TERTIUM ORGANUM was a more congenial thought-provoking work that brought Ouspensky to the attention of people in England,France, and America as well as in pre-revolution Russia despite its subject matter, much of which, had some appeal to various levels of society......but to see this requires a bit more research and study... The scientific landscape of OUSPENSKY'S time no longer exists beyond a few vestiges or salient points or extended by various theories, discoveries and experiments that have serious implications for human existence.....and, FOR PLANETARY EXISTENCE. The late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries appeared to have reached some 'scientific impasses' whereby it was seen that no new discoveries would be made beyond a mere data or classification of things and a recapitulation of the theories and discoveries already made, especially in teaching such.....until some mathematicians and scientists and also some others began to question this 'status quo'.....the historical basis of this and the events all require a further discussion and amplification, but will have to wait for another time...

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